Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners

Today in this article we will learn about the " Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners " to try so they can actually see the change in their respective lives.

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Apr 10, 2024 - 21:38
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Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners
Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners

Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners to Try

The term " Yoga " can be defined as the establishment of a connection between our body and mind. To tackle stress and anxiety in today's world we can follow some yoga asanas to relieve our stress. In this article, we will learn the " Top 10 Stress Relieving Yoga Poses For Beginners " to try on. Yoga is not just a physical activity for humans, it is more than that, it benefits us in so many other ways around.


People try so many things to handle their stress and anxiety-related issues, and YOGA is one of the best things that our tradition and culture have given to us. Yoga is beneficial to us in so many ways like it helps in reducing stress, helps in weight loss and it also offers us so many poses to try to control our breathing and connect our mind with our body. And when we perform these asanas or poses, we will be able to handle the negative energy around us and tackle the stress. Let's read about those different poses to reduce the stress from our lives.

1. Child Pose

Child Pose

Benefit: This pose elevates our internal organs and strengthens our spine as well. This pose helps us calm our adrenal glands which are overreactive due to stress. This pose focuses on our spine, hamstrings, ankles, hips, and back.

How to do this: First of all, sit on the heels with your backbone straight and knees bent, and then slowly place both your hands on the ground and move forward until your head touches the floor. In this pose, take 5 to 10 deep breaths and try to exhale as much as possible.

2. Standing Forward Bend

standing forward bend yoga pose

Benefit: This pose improves the nervous system of our body. In this pose, the maximum focus is on our hamstrings, calves, spinal cord, and hips. This pose relaxes us by releasing fatigue and stress from our bodies.

How to do this: First of all we have to stand straight, then we have to bend the body forward from our waist and bend down, while bending forward you have to try to touch your toes. In this pose, when you bend forward, you have to exhale. And you have to put your body weight on your toes. When you feel excessive stretch in the hamstrings, you can also bend your knees slightly. Stay in this pose for about 4 to 7 breaths and then stand straight.

3. Cobra Pose

cobra pose

Benefit: This pose focuses more on our core, chest, shoulders, and spine.

How to do this: To perform this pose, first of all, we have to lie down on our stomachs on the ground, and keeping both our hands below the shoulders, we have to rise up while touching our waist on the ground. Then while bending your neck, you have to look straight up into the sky while inhaling. While doing this, your chest should also stretch outwards. Hold For 5 Breaths then release.

4. Wall Supported Leg Ups ( Legs Up The Wall Pose )

Legs Up The Wall Pose

Benefit: In this pose, the focus is on our hamstrings, pelvic muscles, and lower back, in this, we also get relief from lower back pain.

How to do this: In this pose, you first have to sit on the ground facing the wall, then raise both legs straight up while extending your buttocks towards the wall. Make sure your hips stay as close to the wall as possible and both legs remain straight up. Hold this pose for 5 minutes and relax.

5. Stretch Out Puppy Pose

Stretch Out Puppy Pose

Benefit: In this, we stretch our hips, spine, and deltoids. Our spine gets a lot of relief from this pose and also gets relief from lower back problems.

How to do this: First of all, you have to come into puppy position by keeping both your knees and hands on the ground, then push your buttocks downwards and stretch both your hands forward. In this, you have to touch your forehead on the floor and you will remain in this pose for 1 to 2 minutes.

6. Seated Forward Bend

Seated Forward Bend

Benefit: It focuses on our backbone, hamstrings, calves, ankles, and core.

How to do this: In this, we have to sit on the floor keeping both our legs straight in front, and then stretch both our hands overhead bend forward, and touch both our feet. Hold the pose for 5 minutes.

7. The Tree Pose

The Tree Pose

Benefit: This pose focuses on our quads, knees, and abdominals.

How to do this: To perform the pose, first stand straight and then you have to slowly lift one side leg and shift the body weight to the other leg, touch the lifted leg with your other leg, and come into the pose remember Do not give any type of pressure on your other leg with the lifted legs. In this pose, you can fold your hands for the best body balancing. The pose has to be performed with both legs simultaneously.

8. Cat-Cow Stretch Pose

Cat-Cow Stretch Pose

Benefit: In this pose, we stretch our back, which removes stiffness from our hips, spine, and abdominals and makes us feel relaxed.

How to do this: In the cat position, you have to keep your hands and knees on the floor and while exhaling, squeeze the stomach inside and bend it as much as you can while bringing an arch in the spine, and while inhaling, come into the normal position than while inhaling stretch out your chest and look upside this is also called cow pose, do this for 5 seconds. Have to do it 10 times continuously.

9. Reclined Twist Pose

Reclined Twist Pose

Benefit: In this, the focus is on our lower back, legs, pelvis, and abdominals.

How to do this: You have to lie down straight on the floor and then bend one leg with the knee and bend it on the opposite side of the leg, you will take the support of your hands, and you have to perform this pose with both the legs.

10. Extended Triangle Pose

Extended Triangle Pose

Benefit: It focuses on our quads, strings, and abdominal obliques.

How to do this: A straight stand has to be done then both the legs have to be spread a little. Then, keeping your hands straight, slightly slant the leg of one side and touch your toe with the hand of the same side in a side bend, while doing this, the other hand should be exactly right above your shoulder. The pose has to be performed with both legs. And when you bend down to touch the toe, you will have to exhale.


In this article, we got to know what are the most effective and efficient yoga poses in the world that should be performed while seeking to release stress and anxiety or fatigue from our bodies. We also got to know how we should perform those poses for better results.


Which yoga is best for stress relief?
Cobra pose, standing forward bend, cat-cow stretch, and extended triangle pose are some of the best yoga poses for stress relief. 
What is the most relaxing yoga pose?
Some of the poses such as the child pose and cobra pose are considered the most relaxing yoga poses as we focus more on breathing while performing them, giving a sense of relaxation to our mind and body as well. 

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